Publisher platform

Sem auglýsingamiðill getur bæði skráð pantanir og tekið á móti þeim. Fullkomið samþykktarkerfi.

Publisher platform

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Sem auglýsingamiðill getur bæði skráð pantanir og tekið á móti þeim. Fullkomið samþykktarkerfi.

Publisher platform

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Sem auglýsingamiðill getur bæði skráð pantanir og tekið á móti þeim. Fullkomið samþykktarkerfi.

Safe Self-Service with the Publisher Platform

The Publisher Platform offers the possibility for advertisers to buy impressions using self service with advertising content that simplifies management and reduces manual work. An approval system ensures that no ads go live without consent from the media selling the impressions. The advertiser must identify themselves with digital credentials, and the media can choose to approve the ad in question or the advertiser themselves so that all subsequent advertisements automatically go live.

Additionally, it is possible to set whether orders should automatically go live or require approval first. Then an email will be sent to the selected email address when an order is received, and it is placed in the "Unapproved" status until it has been accepted. It is also possible to select "Approve and trust" for customers who have ordered before and are deemed trustworthy. Then all future orders from them are published directly.

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