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© 2024 Púls Media ehf.

100% Icelandic software


Next games in the Premier League for men and women

Next games in the Premier League for men and women

Next games in the Premier League for men and women


Next games in the Premier League for men and women

Next games in the Premier League for men and women

In 2022, we at Púls Media got the opportunity to work on a really fun project for the Bestu deildina. The Púls smart board solution was used to create a large number of web advertisements for the Bestu deildarinnar, 100% automatic, for local web media, social media, and environmental advertising.

This smart board is a traditional scoreboard in two versions that shows the next games in the Bestu deild kvenna and karla. The board updates automatically in several sizes and is used on local web media.

The landscape scoreboard is designed and implemented by Púls Media in

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.