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Jun 21, 2023

Jun 21, 2023

Andri hjá Púls
Andri hjá Púls
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
Case Study

Weather-Controlled Ads: Iceland's largest grocery store chain leads the way!

Púls Media introduces a revolutionary update to its advertising technology system, enabling advertisers to utilize real-time weather information to determine how ads are displayed on web and environmental media. With this addition, advertisers can adapt their campaigns in innovative ways based on current weather conditions, creating an even more personalized experience for their target audience.

Krónan Leads the Way!

The first client to take advantage of this new technology is Krónan, in collaboration with Birtingahúsið and Brandenburg. In their latest marketing campaign, they use typical Icelandic weather conditions in a lighthearted and fun way on environmental signs and bus shelters. The weather-linked ads are customized to match specific weather conditions, creating much more contextual messaging for Krónan's customers. For example, when it rains, the ad displays a person in a raincoat grilling meat in pouring rain with the message, "A little wet? Up for this." This amusing campaign captures the essence of the unpredictable weather that Icelanders know so well.

Marketing Director of Krónan: "Extremely Happy to Be First"

Daði Guðjónsson, Marketing Director of Krónan

Daði Guðjónsson

Marketing Director of Krónan

We are extremely happy with our collaboration with Púls Media and to be the first to utilize this technology. The Icelandic summer is so unpredictable, and we wanted to capture that spirit in this advertising campaign. By showing various humorous aspects of a typical Icelandic summer in the right context with the current weather, we manage to deliver tailored messages, boost brand awareness, and hopefully spark conversations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and creating even smarter advertising campaigns.

Daði Guðjónsson, Marketing Director of Krónan

Daði Guðjónsson

Marketing Director of Krónan

We are extremely happy with our collaboration with Púls Media and to be the first to utilize this technology. The Icelandic summer is so unpredictable, and we wanted to capture that spirit in this advertising campaign. By showing various humorous aspects of a typical Icelandic summer in the right context with the current weather, we manage to deliver tailored messages, boost brand awareness, and hopefully spark conversations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and creating even smarter advertising campaigns.

Daði Guðjónsson, Marketing Director of Krónan

Daði Guðjónsson

Marketing Director of Krónan

We are extremely happy with our collaboration with Púls Media and to be the first to utilize this technology. The Icelandic summer is so unpredictable, and we wanted to capture that spirit in this advertising campaign. By showing various humorous aspects of a typical Icelandic summer in the right context with the current weather, we manage to deliver tailored messages, boost brand awareness, and hopefully spark conversations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and creating even smarter advertising campaigns.

Daði Guðjónsson, Marketing Director of Krónan

Daði Guðjónsson

Marketing Director of Krónan

We are extremely happy with our collaboration with Púls Media and to be the first to utilize this technology. The Icelandic summer is so unpredictable, and we wanted to capture that spirit in this advertising campaign. By showing various humorous aspects of a typical Icelandic summer in the right context with the current weather, we manage to deliver tailored messages, boost brand awareness, and hopefully spark conversations. We look forward to continuing our collaboration and creating even smarter advertising campaigns.

New Opportunities for Advertisers

Púls' advertising technology system offers advertisers several weather settings to choose from, including wind, rain, cloud cover, and temperature. Advertisers can also specify locations where the weather-linked settings should apply, ensuring even greater precision in targeting the right audience.

Weather-linked ads at Púls Media open new avenues for advertisers to connect with consumers even better. By leveraging the emotions that most Icelanders have towards the weather, advertisers can effectively tailor their messages to the current weather, increasing the likelihood of establishing a business relationship.

Helgi Pjetur

CEO of Púls

We are incredibly excited to introduce these new weather-linked ads, allowing companies to deliver super relevant messages in their campaigns in real-time. By utilizing this weather information, companies can create highly engaging ads with more context for their target audience. We are proud that Krónan is the first client to use this new feature, as Krónan has been at the forefront of adopting technological innovations in Iceland in recent years. Our collaboration with Birtingahúsið, which handles all media buying for Krónan, has also been extremely successful.

Helgi Pjetur

CEO of Púls

We are incredibly excited to introduce these new weather-linked ads, allowing companies to deliver super relevant messages in their campaigns in real-time. By utilizing this weather information, companies can create highly engaging ads with more context for their target audience. We are proud that Krónan is the first client to use this new feature, as Krónan has been at the forefront of adopting technological innovations in Iceland in recent years. Our collaboration with Birtingahúsið, which handles all media buying for Krónan, has also been extremely successful.

Helgi Pjetur

CEO of Púls

We are incredibly excited to introduce these new weather-linked ads, allowing companies to deliver super relevant messages in their campaigns in real-time. By utilizing this weather information, companies can create highly engaging ads with more context for their target audience. We are proud that Krónan is the first client to use this new feature, as Krónan has been at the forefront of adopting technological innovations in Iceland in recent years. Our collaboration with Birtingahúsið, which handles all media buying for Krónan, has also been extremely successful.

Helgi Pjetur

CEO of Púls

We are incredibly excited to introduce these new weather-linked ads, allowing companies to deliver super relevant messages in their campaigns in real-time. By utilizing this weather information, companies can create highly engaging ads with more context for their target audience. We are proud that Krónan is the first client to use this new feature, as Krónan has been at the forefront of adopting technological innovations in Iceland in recent years. Our collaboration with Birtingahúsið, which handles all media buying for Krónan, has also been extremely successful.

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements easier and more successful. Please contact us and together we will find the best approach. You can email us at or send us a message in the form below and we will be in touch soon!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

Andri hjá Púls
Andri hjá Púls

Andri Már

Founder & CTO

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Weather-controlled Ad


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Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.