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May 28, 2024

May 28, 2024

Andri hjá Púls
Andri hjá Púls
Ad Market
Ad Market
Ad Market
Ad Market

Which is more effective, advertising on local web media or social media?

I received permission to show you a real campaign and compare the performance on several domestic web media and Meta. I thoroughly review the matter in the video below.

The campaign in question is from the fintech company Frágangur and is promoting a partnership with, aiming to increase security in online vehicle transactions. People can use the marketplace on to sell their car and use Frágangur ( to complete the transaction securely, retrieve the vehicle's history, check enbumbrances, pay off loans, sign the purchase agreement, submit ownership transfer, insurance registration, and facilitate payment.

The performance on different media naturally depends on what is being advertised, but this is just one example.

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements easier and more successful. Please contact us and together we will find the best approach. You can email us at or send us a message in the form below and we will be in touch soon!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

Andri hjá Púls
Andri hjá Púls

Andri Már

Founder & CTO

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Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.