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100% Icelandic software


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Veldu rétt hjá Eldum rétt

Veldu rétt hjá Eldum rétt


Veldu rétt hjá Eldum rétt

Veldu rétt hjá Eldum rétt

Fyrsti snjallborðinn frá Púls með lifandi niðurtalningu. Stórskemmtilegt verkefni sem Púls vann í samstarfi með Digido. Borðinn hvetur notandann til að klára panta áður en pöntunarfestur rennur út.

Borðinn uppfærist sjálfkrafa í hverri viku með þeim réttum sem í boði eru þá vikuna.

Borðinn er í birtingu á helstu miðlum landsins.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.

Hello! Is it Púls you've been looking for?

Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.