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Jul 28, 2022

Jul 28, 2022

Orri hjá Púls
Orri hjá Púls

SmartBanners: New features

This summer, we at Púls worked on a major update to our SmartBanner functionality.

1. Rules

Púls clients who have invested in SmartBanners can now easily control which products appear in each ad using so-called rules. You can filter products based on all the data points connected in the Púls catalog.

In the example below, Lind Real Estate is advertising single-family homes in Reykjavík and using Púls rules "contains one or more of" to select 3 types of properties and "contains" to select neighborhoods in Reykjavík. Incredibly simple, yet effective.

2. Override Product Data

Sometimes the data provided by the website or web service to the Púls system may not be suitable for advertisements. For example, in the case below, the image of the property is a small drawing. Now, you can go into each product individually in the Púls system and override all data points that should appear in the ads.

You can change images and all text fields.

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements easier and more successful. Please contact us and together we will find the best approach. You can email us at or send us a message in the form below and we will be in touch soon!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

At Púls, we warmly welcome new clients who want to make the production and distribution of advertisements both easier and more effective. Please feel free to contact us, and together we will find the best solution for you. You can email us at or send us a message using the form below, and we will get back to you promptly!

Orri hjá Púls
Orri hjá Púls



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Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.


Do you need help to streamline ad production and distribution? Do you need a system to manage publications? Are you an advertising agency? Or are you just curious and want to get to know us better. We are trusted by the biggest in the industry.