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100% Icelandic software


Hreiðar Þór Jónsson

Board member and former CEO at Datera

Hreiðar Þór Jónsson

Board member and former CEO at Datera

Hreiðar Þór Jónsson

Board member and former CEO at Datera

Hreiðar at Datera

The real game-changer is the use of live data in ads on various channels

As the former CEO of Datera and now serving as a board member, I have witnessed firsthand the rapid evolution of our company. When I joined Datera about five years ago, the company was merely a year old, and my primary responsibility was to steer its growth. Initially, our expansion focused on services for advertisers on international platforms, later extending to traditional domestic media. Today, Datera employs 13 people, and our growth has been nothing short of remarkable.

"The automation solutions provided by Púls have been incredibly beneficial, both for us and our clients"

In November 2022, we integrated the Púls system into our operations, initially running it alongside another advertising system. It didn't take long for us to recognize the significant time savings and convenience offered by Púls. Within a few months, we had completely phased out the older system. The automation solutions provided by Púls have been incredibly beneficial, both for us and our clients. We've observed that SmartBanners, particularly those that scroll, deliver superior results by showcasing more products and attracting more user clicks.

"The real game-changer is the use of live data in ads on various channels"

One of the most exciting aspects has been incorporating environmental triggers and smart solutions into advertisements on billboards, digital displays, and bus shelters. Weather and time settings can be utilized in campaigns, but the real game-changer is the use of live data. For instance, Púls executed a project for the Bestu deildin, featuring live results and automatic distribution based on locations. Another notable project was for Íslandsbanki and the marathon, where running donations were displayed in real-time on advertisements. These innovations highlight the potential of the right technology.

The user interface of the Púls system is exceptionally user-friendly. Even though I am not a SuperUser, I have found it very easy to navigate and use compared to other systems. The system guides users through the process, simplifying the work significantly.

"Data presentation in the Púls system is far superior to other systems I've used"

The service from Púls has been outstanding. Whenever I had an inquiry, it was addressed promptly and efficiently. The technical support team has been quick to resolve the few issues that have arisen. Additionally, the data presentation in the Púls system is far superior to other systems I've used, greatly aiding in reporting and simplifying that task.

The future of media buying and automation solutions is indeed exciting. I envision a future where media houses can largely manage their transactions independently, eliminating unnecessary intermediaries in the advertisement setup process. You could purchase specific slots on radio or television and handle everything through an interface. I believe this will become a reality at some point.

It would be fantastic to use the Púls system for RÚV, Stöð 2, and Sjónvarp Símans as well. While I am not asking for that just yet, the ability to manage everything ourselves and upload all planned content would be magnificent. Púls has demonstrated that advertising campaigns can be made simpler, more efficient, and more effective with the right technology and automation. The future is bright, and I eagerly anticipate what comes next.